Fear- Every one has them


Fear. Everyone has them.

When I think of fear the word “No” comes to mind.

We often say no to anything associated to a fear, we shy away, and we try to avoid them

That will not solve the problem

If the problem is there than it was meant to be there

It was meant to be faced 

What would happen if instead of being a NO to fear, we became a YES?

Could we break down barriers we’ve been building against ourselves?

Eliminating barriers can slowly make up more free

With freedom comes space, space for growth

Today I’m being a YES, I’m inviting fear so I can learn to be free.

What can you be a yes to today?

In all the world, there is nobody like you


In all the world, there is nobody more beautiful than yourself

In all the world, there is nobody more worthy of love than yourself

In all the world, there is nobody more powerful than yourself

In all the world, there is nobody more full of life than yourself

In all the world, there is nobody more thankful than yourself

In all the world, there is nobody more wise than yourself

In all the world, there is nobody with more love to give than yourself

In all the world, there is nobody with more light to shed than yourself

In all the world, there is nobody more unique as yourself


Let your guard down and let people in

When you let light in you can shine light out

Give yourself time and be patient with yourself

You are special and you deserve time

Infinite time..

Breathe in deeply to you absorb the abundance of life

Breathe out heavily that you can push the old, useless, baggage out

Soak in this new space that seeps through your pores

Fill up your new being from the bottom to the top

Let the heart feel alive


You are you and I am me.

No need to be jealous, show hate, judgement, or opinions on others

We are all different and we live different paths

Sharing happiness for others doesn’t take away your own happiness

It just shows you have a bigger heart and you can make space for other’s happiness too

Live life remembering how important you are

Be you and and be your best, biggest, brightest, brilliant you


In all the world, there is no one like you

In all the world, there will never be another person like you

Remember in all the world, there is nobody more like you, than  you,

…and that is enough


Find Your Grounding


When traveling, our lives gets flipped upside down. Reaching a new place, surrounded by new people, new cultures, languages, and styles of living is a new experience. Traveling has its glory, the excitement of getting off a plane and traveling by foot through the unknown is thrilling. Traveling (past the thrill) also has its struggles. I landed in Managua, Nicaragua, the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

There are no words to describe seeing the lives of others that are less fortune than ourselves. Forgetting the blessed lives we live until we arrive to a place that is so eye-opening that it is tempting to close the eyes instead. Sometimes closing and not seeing is easier than seeing and believing.

All the ideas we’ve had about the world, all the rights we have, and lifestyle we’re use to living suddenly sends us a reality check. We become sensitive to our surroundings, we pick up every piece of energy we can find. Every starving dog, every shoeless child, and hungry man in sight unconsciously gets picked up by our energy. We can lose touch with our purpose and we can lose touch with ourselves. It’s exhausting. The questioning mind, the wondering eyes, the tight breathe, all working together to form a very unbalanced off centered person.

We must always remember to make time for ourselves during our trips to find grounding. Grounding is feeling rooted into the ground, feeling secure, comforted, and owning your self and your right to be there. Grounding is taking responsibility for your self, your experiences, and your thoughts. It is not allowing for the shaken ground to knock you off-center. When we root into our experience, we control our experience. You have the power to take control over your life and only you.

Take 5 mins a day, go to a quiet areas, and sit in stillness. Begin noticing the breathe. Feel the slight pause between your in breathe and your out breathe. Be aware of this stillness that is inside of you, this is inside all of us. Visualize yourself becoming rooted to the ground, become apart of the earth. Earth is our home no matter where we arrive. Continue taking deep breaths until you are calm, relaxed, and centered. Bring your hands at your heart, lift the corners of your mouth up, and don’t forget to say the most powerful mantra of all, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Peace and light,
